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Mantra Krishna

Protect yourself from both external and internal psychological influences of the ego by utilizing this sacred mantra.
Mantras are revered words associated with a deity.
In Sanskrit, a mantra literally translates to "mind protection"a sacred word or sound. The utilization of sacred words and sounds is a universal practice across all religions and mystical traditions, as the foundation of all creation lies in the Great Breath or the Word, the Logos. "In the beginning was the Word..."

Master Samael Aun Weor elucidates that this mantra consists of five components, organized into three stages. When pronounced consciously, it forms a pentagram, which comprises five parts—the penta [five] gram [letter]. The pentagram serves as a form of protection, and this mantra embodies that energy.
"The powerful mantra mentioned above has three perfectly defined stages. On chanting KLIM, which the occultists of India call the “seed of attraction,” we provoke a flow of Christic energy which instantaneously descends from the world of the Solar Logos in order to protect us; thus, a mysterious door is then downwardly opened. Afterwards, by chanting the three following parts of the mantra, the Christic energy is infused within the one who chants them. Finally, by means of the fifth part, the one who has received the Christic energy can radiate it with tremendous force in order to defend himself from the tenebrous ones. They then scatter away in terror."
Beside its use for defense against dark forces, this mantra possesses the ability to call upon Christ to envelop your liberated consciousness, empowering you as a soul to protect yourself from yourself, your mind.



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