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Sacred Rites of Rejuvenation for Healing and Youth Regeneration

A series of powerful esoteric exercises for healing and spiritual strength based on the book " Rites of Rejuvenation" by Samael Aun Weor,

These rites are not the exclusive patrimony of anyone and are now thought and practiced in the Gnostic movement. They were practiced by lamas in some Himalayan monasteries, mainly in the one called "The Fountain of Youth.

The esoteric exercises are ancient as master Samael states that he, himself practiced them during the Lemuria epoch. Documented in India, Persia, Pakistan, Turkey, Yucatan, Mexico, these practices can be found in different cultures: the whirling movement can be found in the dervishes dances of Mohammedans; the kneeling position belongs to a technical position found in mysticism; the table position comes from Yucatan; the lizard position was documented in Hinduism and Kundalini Yoga and it is called Mayurasana; the laying position with upward feet is known in many sacred texts as Viparita Karani Mudra.

There are six postures called Sadhana, each must be accompanied by sincere meditation, concentration and prayer, mainly aimed toward each individual particular divine mother Kundalini.

Uses: Healing, ego dissolution, body regeneration, spiritual strength, divine help and comprehension, etc.

Important: Practice exercises in this exact order as they represent important symbols , letter like in esoteric-ism. Accompany each movement with intense prayer to the divine mother and/or innermost.


In order to develop the chakras in a positive way, the currents must spin clockwise, from left to right.

With eyes open and hands extended lateral, perform a minimum of 12 ratios left to right. Stop , close your eyes and plead and pray to the Divine Mother until dizziness has disappeared.

Lie of the floor, with arms extended forming a cross, as shown in the image below, and continue praying. Suggesting prayer for healing sick organs: Vocalize mantra "Open Sesame" three times, focusing on the organ which needs healing and then use commands like: Heal, Work, Regenerate, etc.


Raise your legs perpendicularly, supporting your knees with your hands optionally. Have your waist very well placed on the floor, without raising your buttocks. Remain in this position for as long as possible, intensifying your petition to the divine mother.


Kneel on the floor facing east, with your head bow down just a little, perform three Egyptian Pranayamas exercises as follow: with your right hand, shut your left nostril by placing your index finger over and inhale through the right nostril. Hold your breath for at least four seconds bu covering both nostril. Uncover the left nostril and exhale through it for at least four seconds, while your thumb is covering the right nostril. Perform three such series of breathing.

To close , bow your head and continue prayer to your divine mother and/or innermost.

While kneeling, backwardly incline your body as far as you can, keeping your hands along your body with your back straight. Remain in this position for a few seconds while begging and beseeching your particular divine mother.


Sit on the floor with your hands backwardly, fingers pointing back, inclined back. Keep your heels together having the tip of your feet open like a fan. The image below doesn't reflect this last part. Keep your eye open looking forward and begin to faithfully pray to the divine mother.

Bend your legs a little and switch the finger of your hand to point toward your feet, elevate your buttocks and straighten your back and abdomen to form a table position . In this position looking to the sealing , intensify your prayer to the mother Devi Kundalini . Each exercise needs genuine imploration and supplication in order to be complete.

Kneeling repeat three series of pranayamas as previously explained on the third rite.


Mayurasansa - Execute a motion between this two positions:

  • Place your body in the position of the lizard, back straight, supporting your body on the palms and your tiptoes, looking forward. Your back , neck, buttocks, legs, heels must maintain a straight line.

  • Exhale and lower your head and tuck it to your chest while lowering your knees, legs and abdomen to almost touch the floor.

Repeat these two movements while imploring the divine mother to activate all our chakras.

From this position with our head tucked under our chest , without moving the hands we advance a few steps forward, until the body become and arch, keeping your back straight. This is knows as downward dog position which makes the blood rushing toward the head and lymph to clean and irrigate all the cranial zones. This exercise is also helping with eliminating belly fat.

From this position continue the praying.


This exercise is a prayer and an order to the Holly Spirit within our organism to perform a sacred work of transplantation such as transferring the moon which is currently in our brain (making us lunar beings) to the umbilical region while transferring the sun from the solar plexus to the brain so we can become solar beings.

This is sacred work performed by the Third Logos which is the Holly Spirit.

Practice intensively and often, praying for cell regeneration beginning with five minutes until you reach a maximum of three hours.

Lie down on the floor with your buttocks and legs against a wall. Arms rest on the floor parallel to the body.

"This practice is the most excellent one, the cause of liberation for the Yogi; this practice brings health to a yogi and grants him perfection." ~ Samael Aun Weor, The Mystery of the Golden Blossom


Vajroli Mudra - Transmutation for Bachelor and Bachelorettes

Please refer to the book for description of this practice.


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